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If you already know how to make a booking - Click here

If you are having trouble booking please contact

Only those who have paid for their 2024 membership will be able to book to play.

Important. Please read what follows carefully first! Though it might seem complicated it is actually very easy.

First time login

  1. Use this link to find the login page.

  2. Ignore the two boxes and click on ’Lost your password’.

  3. Enter your email address, and the system will send you an email telling you how to set a new password. You can then login.

  4. When you have logged in for the first time, please click on 'Users' in the top right corner. You will then see your name on the left side. Double click on your name, and you will be taken to the 'Edit user' page where you can complete your details and change your password.

  5. You will see you have been allocated a Username. You can use this to login if you prefer.

  6. Please add your handicap using the dropdown ‘GC’ menu.

  7. Check that your email address is showing correctly. This will be used to confirm any bookings you make.

  8. Once you have made the changes, be sure to save using the 'Save' button below and you will return to the 'Users' page.

  9. Finally click on the 'Go to' button on the left in the blue bar at the top of the page. You can select a date before doing so or do this on the next page.

Normal login

  1. If required, log in to the website (you may not need to if you didn't log out last time).

  2. You will find yourself on the Bookings page.

  3. Follow the instructions below.



  1. The booking page shows names down the left and times along the top. Select the date you would like to make a booking.

  2. Double click into an available time slot. You will be taken to the 'Add entry' page.

  3. Your name should show in the 'Brief description' box (you can use an alias if you wish but remember this is a secure website hidden from prying eyes). Ignore the 'Full description' box unless you want to send a message to the day's organiser (for example "Singles with Simon P please"). If booking for someone else change the name in the Brief Description box.

  4. Choose your start and end time. Booking more than two weeks in advance is not permitted.

  5. Click on 'Save'.

  6. You will now be back to the main page where your name will be highlighted in yellow for the times you previously selected.

  7. If you need to modify your booking, double click on your name and you will be taken back to the details of your booking. Click on the 'Edit', 'Delete' or 'Copy' button to make your changes. Remember to save any changes you make. 

  8. Unless you tick the ‘Do not send email’ box on the booking page you will receive an email confirming your booking.

Click here to make a booking

Simon Parvin 2024

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